Mumbai: The Bollywood ‘Khiladi’ Akshay Kumar recently came to rescue of a crew member while on the set of Farah Khan’s ‘Tees Maar Khan’. Sahil, one of the assistants in the movie fell ill and the situation got worse when the poor guy had no option left other than to be hospitalized as soon as possible.
In the face of such adversity, Akshay offered his own chopper for the ailing assistant to be ferried to the nearest hospital. The location where the film was being shot, apparently, didn’t help in terms of mobility of vehicles, so when Akshay came to know about this, he offered the chopper to let the crew member to be flown to the hospital just in the nick of time.
Incidentally, the chopper was available only on Akshay’s persistence. Akki had requested Farah Khan to arrange for the helicopter so that could fly to his home every evening after shoot and be with his son. Farah and Shirish Kunder had reluctantly agreed, but little did any of them anticipate that the helicopter would be helpful in such a critical hour.
Thanks to Akshay`s intervention, that a life got saved, as doctors later revealed that had there been a delay, they wouldn’t have been able to save his life.
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