Sunday, March 20, 2011

Importance of Advertising

The importance of advertising can be classified into three different heads:

• Importance of Advertising to producers and Traders,

• Importance of Advertising to customers,

• Importance of Advertising to society,

We will precisely deal with Importance of Advertising to producers and traders in this topic. Let us now discuss the Importance of Advertising to Producers and Traders.

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Importance of Advertising

Meeting competition: Advertising is an important means for facing competition. By creating brand loyalty, it helps to maintain sales and market share. It supplements personal selling and sales promotion. The importance of Advertising lies in the fact that it creates preference for a particular product opens doors for salesmen and reinforces point of purchase display, thereby reducing the costs of creating and maintaining demand. Dealers prefer to handle well advertised products.

Steady demand: Advertising creates regular demand by smoothening out seasonal and other fluctuations. For instance, advertising is used to emphasize hot and cold uses of coffee to maintain regular sales both during summer and winter. By suggesting new and more frequent uses of product, advertising helps to maintain demand, throughout the year. Steady demand enables regular production.


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