Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Side effects of DMAE cream

Nothing dangerous has been reported after the use of DMAE cream. It can be used to make you skin look younger and healthier. You should consult your dermatologist for the right dose or if you should be using it in combination with another substance. DMAE antioxidant can also be used to keep your skin protected from the harmful effect of the scorching sun.

Amplify’d from factoidz.com

DMAE represents dimethylaminoethanol , a nutrient found profoundly in fish and Sardine. A small amount of DMAE is found in human brains. As discussed earlier DMAE Cream is basically used to fight the consequence of aging. When the cell membrane of the skin gets destroyed, wrinkles start appearing on the skin and the skin starts to age prematurely but with the use of DMAE Cream, it helps to maintain proper cell growth and defers the deterioration of the cell membrane. It helps the skin cell to renew itself and keeps a healthy moisture balance. DMAE cream can stop the production of arachiondic acid which is the substance which causes wrinkle to appear on the face.

DMAE’s capability to help skin starting to lose flexibility, competence to tighten and tone, and the power to help diminish the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles, makes it a valuable staple in the skin care process of many types of people. It is good even for sensitive skin because of its non irritating nature.

DMAE Cream
Read more at factoidz.com

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